Unlike compression molding, transfer molding does not require direct placement of rubber sheets in the mold. Instead, it is placed in material press cavity, which is the upper layer of the mold cavity. When the mold is closed, the rubber is injected into the mold cavity through the flow channel and gate way. Under high temperature and pressure conditions, the rubber begins to vulcanize.
Similar to compression molding, both rely on a molding machine, while have the characteristics of injection molding. The mold is equipped with gates and runners.
Based on transfer molding, adding a non-woven fabric placement in the material stub plate can avoid material bonding of the mold and quickly remove burrs from the injection gate
· The use of an automatic dispensing machine can automatically quantify, with different programing can go circular, straight, and curved lines . The dispensing joint is perfect, and there is no wire drawing during the dispensing process, accurately controlling the amount of LSR material and saving production costs.